Saturday, April 30, 2016

Are you tired of your J.O.B?

Aero Contractors Airline weekend sacked more than One Hundred staff of the airline. The workers said to have been outsourced from a labour consultant to the airline were said to have been sacked via text messages.

Read more at:

Are you leaving in Nigeria, or anywhere in the world for that matter and working on a job? 

Is it not now obvious to you that you need a plan B?

No wander Robert Kiyosaki said that big businesses are born mostly in the time of economic regression.

Our company, Forever Living Product is offering you the opportunity to start building a second stream of income.

Let's work together to create a lifestyle of choice for you, your children and all your loved one's. A lifestyle that enables you do all the things you've always dreamt of doing

Now is the time to make a decision. Don't depend on one income source.

Partner with us

Whatsapp me today on +234 8110940226

Friday, April 29, 2016

Financial Freedom vs Financial Security

It is better to have financial FREEDOM than to have financial SECURITY
Financial security is characterised by FEAR.
Fear of loosing whatever it is that gives you security.
Fear of becoming Poor.

When you have Security, you work harder everyday, not to grow your income (usually such incomes are capped, there is nothing you can do about it).
You work harder everyday, not because you are happy doing what you are doing.
You work harder everyday so that you remain relevant just to keep your job, even if it suck.

I offer you today, an opportunity to double or even triple your income.
I offer you today, the opportunity to retire young, retire healthy but above all, retire wealthy.
I offer you today, an opportunity to live your dream, not always thinking about money.
The opportunity I offer you will help you achieve all your dream, if only you are willing to help so many people achieve all their dreams.
I offer you today, the opportunity to have FINANCIAL FREEDOM

If you are willing to take this opportunity, drop me a line or whatsapp me on 08110940226, let's have a chat.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Financial Success Blueprint

How To Become A Multi-Millionaire With Little Capital

.......Financial Success Can Be Yours!

If you are wondering if you can ever achieve financial success . . . financial freedom.

If you can have ALL the money you need to buy ALL the things you need . . . and when you need them.

The good news is . . . anyone can become financially free.
Anyone can achieve financial freedom, including YOU👉
The best part is . . . You Can Achieve Financial Freedom Even With Little Capital!


By becoming a brand partner with a multinational health and wellness company that offers a low startup capital partner program to the general public as well as free training to help their independent partners succeed.

These are called Network Marketing companies or MLM companies.

Every Network Marketing company has a compensation plan document you can download from the company website and read. And they are prepared to pay you jaw-dropping bonuses as outlined in the compensation plan document if you (and your sales organization) meet the terms and conditions discussed in the pay plan.

That means if you qualify to earn as high as one million USD, the company will pay you just that and they will not close shop.

A quick example.

Alex is a young lady who just graduated from the university, she joined a health and wellness network marketing company at the age of 20years. She went on to earn about one million USD ($1,000,000) in his first 3 years of being a brand partner with the multinational health and wellness company. By her third year, she was earning as much as $10,000 USD per month.
If you live in Nigeria, $10,000 USD per month is about 3 million Naira per month.

That is serious money!

Can that kind of monthly income change your life positively?


Can you be as successful as Alex?

Of course, you can!

The market is open for the taking . . . and the market is open to everyone.

The income opportunity is also open to everyone who is interested . . . including you.

And you can become a multi-millionaire through partnership with a multinational health and wellness company if you start today.

However, those who will eventually become financially free through partnership with a multinational health and wellness network marketing company are people who do what it takes to get the kind of result . . . the kind of income . . . Alex and others like her currently earn.

So, will you become a multi-millionaire by partnering with a multinational health and wellnes company?

It depends on you . . . your attitude, your determination and how badly you want t succeed.

People who become multi-millionaires by partnering with multinational health and wellnes companies are normal people just like you. The only difference between them and most people is that they take action

Successful people in network marketing business (and in life) step-up and do the things required to be succeed.

They say to themselves and to others, “I can. I will.” And they don’t just talk, they do what i required.
Successful people do not give excuses. If life gives them lemon, they make lemonade.

This ‘Can Do’ attitude positions them to be winners no matter the obstacles.

‘Can Do attitude’ as well as other leadership traits enables ordinary people to achieve extraordinary performance in the world of network marketing business.

The good news is this . . . you don’t have to be born with these traits. 

You can learn them!!

Yes, if you imbibe those traits and follow in the same footsteps of successful brand partners fo multinational companies, you will achieve financial success just as they did.

Bottom line.

Your destiny is in your hands!

The result you get will depend on what you choose to do . . . or what you fail to do.

Do the right things and you will get the right result.

What are the right things you need to do to become a multi-millionaire even with small capital?

Simply follow the blueprint for success below with dogged determination. And Never Look Back!

What if you are already a distributor for a network marketing company and the company does not meet the criteria discussed in appendix A below?.........By all means, change. 

Choose a better company, a company that meets the criteria in Appendix A. That change is important because refusing to change would amount to seriously limiting your income. But once you have made that change, stick with the new company you have chosen.


DO NOT change company every time you hear of a new company in town. You won’t build residue income that way, you won’t build equity, and you won’t grow to become a leader with massive followership and massive income. In fact, you will be shooting yourself in the foot.

NOTE: Read the above list again and digest the implication . . . digest the message.

And then, Take Action!

  • Next read appendix A below to understand what you need to watch out for before choosing to partner with a network marketing company.

Remember . . . partnership with a multinational health and wellness company can make you a fortune but it can also cost you a fortune. So, make the right choice!

Appendix A – How To Choose The Right MLM Company

1. Is it legal or is it a pyramid scheme posing as a network marketing company? A good mlm company could make you good money while a pyramid scheme will get you into trouble with the authorities.

2. Are the products recommended by top experts? Do the products give value for money?

3. What compensation plan does the company operate? Is the pay plan . . .

A) 100 percent binary compensation plan or
B) Uni-level plan or
C) Matrix pan or
D) Stair step break away or
E) Mixed plans?

4) What industry is the company? Electronics? Software? Beauty? Health & wellness? 
Health and wellness is by far more popular and perhaps more lucrative.

5) Are you paid on the sales volume or sales performance of everyone below you in the system (whether you personally enrolled them or not) or is your pay limited to just a few levels below you?

 It is more lucrative to be paid on all sales that occur below you in the system.

6) Is your pay limited because of your entry level or entry level does not limit your bonuses?

7) How old is the company? 2yrs, 3yrs, 5yrs, 10yrs or greater than 10yrs? Choose a network marketing company that is more than 5years old.

8) Is the company a growing company? What is the company's turnover over the last 5yrs? Ofcourse, you want to be part of a growing company NOT a stagnant or dying company!

9) Break-Away: What happens if someone you introduced to the business begins to earn more than you? Is the compensation plan designed in such a way that the person breaks away from you and what you can earn on his sales volume thereby limited. Don't join a company with break-away clause! It will seriously limit your income!

10) How many countries does the company have business operations? Please choose a company that has offices in at least 30 countries. Why? Simple. You want to build an international business. If you choose to relocate from your country, your business (and your earnings from it) will not collapse because you relocated)


There is a USA based network marketing company with operations in over 155 countries of the world that meets all of the criteria for choosing a network marketing company discussed in appendix A above and MORE. The top earner in this mlm company earns about $400,000 USD per month. If you live in Nigeria, that is about =N=70.4 million per month. That is massive income from
network marketing!

Ready to achieve financial success with little capital?
Visit ....
. . . To read about the company, the products and the reward system for brand

Have questions?

Call +234 8179530716
Whatsapp +234 8110940226

Thursday, April 14, 2016


Bambara nut is a seed of Africa origin used locally as a vegetable. It was first found in west Africa. The plant is leguminous and has numerous nitrogen fixing nodules on the root. The quest for plant with nutritional properties continues to receive attention. Bambara nut which constitutes complete food stuff is reported to contain protein, carbohydrate and lipid and can be consumed at different stages of maturation. The plant has a potential to improve malnutrition and boost food availability.

The botanical name of Bambara nut is Voandzeia subterranean (L.) thouars, synonyms of Vigna subterranean and it belongs to the plantea of the family of fabaceae and sub family of Faboidea. The common names of Bambara nut are okpa (Nigeria Igbo), Gurujia (Nigeria, Hausa), congo groundnut (Cong), Njugo, bean (South Africa) Nzama (Malawi) Ntoyo (Ci Bemba) or Katoyo (K, Kanod) (Zambia) (

Bambara nuts are used locally as food stuff for preparing moi-moi (Nigeria, Igbo). It can be boiled and eaten as nut and can also be grounded into flour for preparing fufu maize for (Nigeria, Middle Belt). Bambara is used to fortify maize for pap (Nigeria, Anambra state). The dry seeds can last for very long time and serves as famine food boosting food availability.

The low ash content (4.75%) recorded for bambara nut shows that the food stuff contains very small amounts of micro elements. The protein level of bambara nut (18.50%) is significant as it can serve as a proteineous food which enhances growth and cell maintenance. The carbohydrate level of 46.50% is an indication that the nut has very high energy content hence it has the capacity to serve as energy given food.

The low moisture content of the nut (7.19%) is good for its keeping or storage quality. The percentage oil content of bambara seed is low compared to Soya beans, groundnuts and bread fruits that are also legumes.

The percentage Free Fatty Acid (FFA) of Barbara nuts is very low (1.11). This is an indication that the oil is stable. The fatty acid components found in bambara nut oil are Caprylic acid (17.0%), Capric (8.0%), Lauric acid (9.0%), Palmitic acid (10.0%). Palmitoleic acid (21.0%), Oleic (18.0%) and Linoleic acid (12.0%). The Linoleic acid, Oleic and Palmitoleic acid are unsaturated acids and are also among the essential fatty acids required by the body.

These fatty acids are used to produce hormone like substances that regulate wide range of functions. They regulate blood pressure, blood clothing and blood lipid level and inflammation response to injury infections. Therefore, they are essential in human diet since there are no synthetic mechanisms available for their production in the human body.

Linoleic acid is one of the most important polyunsaturated fatty acids in human food of its ability to prevent distinct heart vascular disease. The Bambara nut oil is predominantly made of the unsaturated palmitoleic acid, oleic acid, lineleic acid and caprylic acid.

Clean 9

Clean 9 is a nine days detox program. It is part of and the first stage of the F.I.T program which was designed to help prepare your mind and bidy for the actual weight loss.

Clean 9 is not just for weight loss. It's for everyone. It has helped people living with high blood pressure, diabetes, Arthritis, infertility in both men and women, low sperm count, migrain and recently, I gave it to a woman who has not mensurated for 2yrs(due to endometriosis) and today, her menses has stated flowing.

What is that sickness that has been disturbing you or your loved one, get you pack now. 

Whatsapp us today on 08110940226