Monday, January 11, 2016

10 Tips To Help You Release Those Fat And Keep It Away

Starting something new can feel like an uphill battle—especially when it involves changing your eating or exercise habits. So we have compiled a list of ten (10) items that can help you in your journey of releasing those fats and keeping it away permanently.

This list of insider tips is great for newbies (those just starting out on their F.I.T program) and long-time F.I.T program users alike. It will help you make the most out of the program, so you can reach your daily eating and exercise goals—fast!

1. Get in the Habit of Tracking Everything: Ensure that you know the amount of calories, contained it anything you eat. Track everything, everyday, the good, the bad and the really ugly. Don't eat your next meal until you have tracked your previous one. Tracking it before you eat may change your mind.

2. Set realistic Goals: Make small goals. Every small goal reached, helps you get your ultimate goal.

3. Be Honest, Be Consistent: Be honest about every nibble, taste or bite. you can't pretend you eat something and still expect to loose weight.

4: Make Friends With Those On The Same Journey: Seek out friends with similar goals as you, they'll keep you honest and motivated. Meanwhile, the more people you have doing it with you, the more involved you get and the better you do.

5. When it comes to Carbs - the more natural and whole, the better: Go for complex carbs like 100% whole grain bread and pasta, brown rice, starchy vegetables (just leave the nutrient-rich skin on  those potatoes), Legumes, Nuts, Seeds, Low-fat Dairy, Fruits and Veggies. Avoid simple sugar from refined grains, processed snacks, sweet and sugar-sweetened beaverages.

6.  Keep Protein Lean: It is perfectly okay to indulge in breakfast sausage and cheeseburger on accession, but in everyday basis, there are a lot of great lean protein to choose from! Some meat-free options include Beans, Peas, Quinoa, Lentils, Tofu, Low-fat Yoghourt, and 1% milk.
Fish is another great source of protein that can be rich in healthy Omega 3s. As far as meat is concerned, the cuts with Round, Chuck or Loin in the name are the leanest, along with chicken and turkey breast.

7. Make healthy fats your friend. Add avocados, nuts, seeds and nut butters and fatty fish like salmon into your weekly menu. Cook with oils like olive or grape seed instead of butter or lard. Make salad dressings with flaxseed oil for a healthy dose of Omega-3s. You can even substitute avocado for butter when baking!

8. Incorporate colorful foods into every meal. From dark greens to red berries, orange bell peppers and white onions, the colors in fruits, vegetables and even proteins are associated with important vitamins and minerals. Eating a rainbow of colorful foods, especially fruits and vegetables, is an great way to get a variety of micronutrients in your diet.

9. Make the most of your calories. Eat a balance of carbohydrates, proteins and fats at each meal and choose foods rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals. A good way to do this is to fill your plate with 3-4 food groups at each meal. Eat a combination of protein foods, whole grains, dairy, fruits and vegetables, and incorporate the groups you miss into other meals and snacks throughout the day.

10.  Don’t Give Up: Don’t be too hard on yourself if you have a bad day, slip-ups happen and you’re doing something new, heading in the right direction. If you go over your calories, don’t freak out or quit. Remember: tomorrow is a new day. Stumble, fall, but don’t ever quit. You are worth it. Be patient, Rome wasn’t built in a day. When you hit the wall where you stop losing weight, don’t give up, it’s a process. You have to stick with.

11. Celebrate: Celebrate the small victories because every change is worth celebrating. Celebrate when you make progress.

Do you want to try our F.I.T Program, order your C9, F.T.T 1 and F.I.T 2 packs HERE or click here to start recommending to your friends

Did we miss anything? What would you add to this list? Let us know in the comments below.